Travis Terrell Are there actual parts manufacturers for everything needed
for giant scale helicopters, or is there some engineering/machining involved for some things? I know that there are giant scale kts available and turbine engines and such, but I'm thinking about the parts required to drive the tail rotor, for instance? You'd think that each kit would require different sized/length components, different gearbox sizes/shapes in order to fit, with different ratios, etc. It just seems like it could be quite an engineering project to actually complete one of those kits.

Will Smith the reason why the propellers are extremely slow is that it's going so fast that our devices no matter what device it will only take a picture of a frame when it it takes one rotation and it moves more from one rotation and another frame is taken so on so on for the people who didn't understand its a optical illusion.

  crytex Everyone talking about the spinning why they look so slow. I dont wanna be rude but has no one really seen a helicopter in their life or a spirral spinning super fast? The same with car wheels. 😂😂 p.s. Even for RC toy, the sound it makes gives me chills, i dont know why, helicopter or plane but I just love the sound. I can feel the power in my ears that these little bad boys are generating,

  Hambone571 People really? Camera frame rate is not as fast as the rotors... watch your ceiling fan move, while blinking your eyes, it will appear slow also... you'll then maybe understand,
Nicholas von Baerenfels Absolutely impressive - congratulation to all who were involved with this project. Hardy ever seen something that comes as close to reality like this helicopter. Bravo!

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